Golden Rules To Ensure Lively Attention : To retain your self-confidence while accepting that you are growing older, it would be useful to remember some sound principles
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
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Sunday, April 12, 2015
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Make Big Money With Google!
Saturday, April 11, 2015
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Thursday, April 9, 2015
how to get more traffic easily?
Submit to many search engines can increase our
blog traffic. Because our blog will be known by
many search engines. And, do you know? About
60% our blog traffic, usually came from search
engines. So, why we don't use search engine to
get more traffic easily? Special for Full Blog Tricks
readers, I will give you list of websites for search
engine submission.
1. (submit to
40 search engines)
2. (submit to 40 search
3. (submit to 300 search
4. (submit to 600 search
5. ( submit to 100 search
Hopefully useful...
Google webmaster tools effectively is a must tool to be used by every blogger
Use of Google webmaster tools effectively is a
must tool to be used by every blogger or site
manager. And the good thing is this is free. You
can add any number of sites under one account of
google webmaster tools but its recommended to
add only 4 to 6 accounts per account of the
Google webmasters. When you have successfully
verified your website for google webmasters then
you shall receive a message in your inbox of
Webmaster tools.
How to use Google webmaster tools effectively
1) Add all versions of your site and verify them
with the same process you had verified the main
site. Do not worry you can work on any of the one
version but adding them insure the articles shall
be shown in the search results with the most
relevant way.
2)Select Preferred version :- This option do exist
in google webmasters and its highly
recommended to use the option with http:// /Â there is a reason for this. If a
visitor sees the URL with www then it shall be a
better impression and the probability that he shall
click on the link from there increases .
3) Select Target Country :- Useful option if you
are using the webmaster tools to promote a local
business website and highly not recommended to
use when you are preparing to own a blog. For
example :- If you are working for website of local
business in United states then choose your
preferred country as Target country .
4) Share access with co workers :- This option is
used when you are willing to add other persons to
give access for webmaster tools of your website.
You can also add restricted access for some of
the co workers as they couldn’t take any wrong
action regarding your website.
5) Submit a Sitemap file :- Sitemap is a file which
gives detailed instructions to the google about
your site and urls.
For blogger :-
For blogger you can simply add the given urls and
your blog’s sitemap shall be automatically
submitted with google.
For each of the 500 posts you can add one
sitemap. For example if you have 500 posts use
only first sitemap and if you have 500-1000 posts
then add one and two separately
For WordPress
You can install SEO by Yoast, this plugin is
available for free. And it shall increase your SEO.
You can find your website sitemap at http://
Add a URL quickly on Google Index
On the left panel click on crawl and then click on
robots.txt tester. Its important that your
robots.txt doesn’t disallow google. If this exists in
your sitemap immediately change and allow
google then test the URL with robots.txt tester.
Then click on Fetch as Google option and after
fetching the URL click on Fetch and render
Important :- Â If your website URL is
then only add it as tricks/ways-to-download-
and-save-youtube-videos/ because the main URL
is already entered by google. And if you don’t
take the precautions then your URL may be
redirected as spam and redirected.
Then you should click on Submit to Index. After
clicking on submit to index your URL shall be
indexed in Google in about 100 minutes or 2
hours. You can do the same any times you want
to do.
The next thing you have to do is to add custom
search engine by google which shall increase
traffic by google.
Don’t waste your time ! let’s get started | Blogspot is Free Service by Google
How to Create a Blog in Blogger Blogspot
That was the post I was Waiting to Write About
Blogging. Few Years ago I created a Blogspot
domain on 2 August 2013.
But after advice Through Probloggers and Website
Experts To Move to New Domain .
And there advice made me almost building
successful blog within three months. In 3 months
I was getting Huge Traffic. So now I don’t want
to waste your time, let’s get started.
Blogspot is Free Service Manufactured by Google.
You can make your Blog here without using a
single penny.
When you start blogging then webhosting is must,
Blogspot provide Free Web Hosting.
How to Create A Blog:-
> Just go to .
> Signup With Your Google account.
> Now After Signup With Your Account,
Now you have Two Options of Titles
And Address As shown in Given Screenshot.
> Fill Up Your Title for Your Blog and
Assign A Blogspot domain For Your
> Fill up Details And Click on Create.
> Now you Have Successfully Created
Your Free Blogspot Blog.
> Happy Blogging.
Tools in Blogspot:-
> After Creating Your Blog, You will See
Options Like Overview, Posts,pages,
Comments and Much more. Like
> Each one has its own priority and you can easily
understand all the options.
How to Post Your Article :-
> Just Click on “New post “
> Then just Enter Title of the post and
Add your content.
> Create Labels from Right Side to
Assign the post Custom Tag.
> Done, Now You Have Created a
Post To Your Blog.
Creating a blog is simple but Consistently
maintaining blog is bit tough task.Don’t worry i
am here to help you!!
I decided to share my tricks,tips and How to get
traffic for your blog from now.So stay connected
with us and Don’t forget to comment and share
this post !!!!
simple tricks that can be used to optimize your pay per click advertising
While it is important to get your pay per click
(PPC) ad seen and even more important to get
visitors to click on your ad, those aims pale in
comparison with your conversion rate. There are
simple tricks that can be used to optimize your pay per click advertising efforts, but they are
tricks that are often overlooked.
Running a PPC campaign can be an overwhelming
task. There are so many things to do, that the
details are often overlooked until it is too late.
Here are a few tricks to help increase your
conversion rate and optimize your pay per click
advertising efforts.
Pay Per Click Advertising
Drive targeted traffic to your Web site with a fully
managed pay per click campaign from Hostway.
1. Make Getting Conversions Easy
If you make your visitors take a multitude of steps
in order to make a purchase, then it is more likely
that your customers will get discouraged. While
this may not be a problem if you are using pay
per click advertising for list-building purposes, it
is often a killer in regards to making a sale.
One of the easiest ways to increase your
conversion rate (even when list-building) is to
only collect the information that is absolutely
necessary. Studies have shown that the best
converting pages require customers to only enter
an email address.
While it is nice to get someone’s name, address,
phone number, etc., it really isn’t critical
information to have. If it is necessary, consider
obtaining this information after you have already
secured their email address.
2. Focus Your Landing Page
Once you decide what the goal of your landing
page is, make sure that you do not distract
viewers from it. Many people choose to simply
use a page from their Web site as their landing
page. Unfortunately, these pages often contain a
jumble of additional ads, unrelated content and
links to other Web pages. All of these things can
either distract or overwhelm visitors, both of
which lead to the customer leaving. It is essential
to keep your landing pages as simple and
succinct as possible to optimize your pay per
click advertising efforts.
3. Include Critical Information in Your Ad Copy
Everyone knows that pay per click advertising is
advantageous because it can drive highly targeted
traffic to your landing page.
However, many people that are not part of your
target audience may still click on your ad. This is
because your ad copy does not include the right
For example, if you are selling a product that is
similar or the same as your competitors, then the
price is important to include in your ad copy .
Many customers base their purchasing decision
on price, and if your product is out of their price
range, there is no reason for them to click on
your ad. By including the price in your ad, you can
automatically filter out people who would not
purchase your product anyways.
Pay per click advertising can be one of the most
profitable and lucrative online advertising
methods available. However, if steps are not
taken to optimize every step of the sales process,
money and opportunities will be lost and
expenses will climb.
The more you can do to ensure that you target is
highly optimized and that your landing page has
the ability to create a maximum conversion rate,
the more successful your pay per click advertising
ventures will be.
how Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is most commonly executed through Google Adwords
If you have not dove into pay-per-click marketing and are holding off because it seems to confusing, I’ll share an easy step-by-step tutorial that will have you up and running in less than an hour. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is most
commonly executed through Google Adwords, but
there are many other sites including Bing,
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn who offer PPC
advertising. We will cover Google Adwords in this
post and other channels in future post. In case
you’re not completely clear on what PPC is, PPC
means you will pay for a keyword to show up in a
search, and if a user clicks on it, you will pay a
pre-determined cost for that click. It’s a quick
and easy way to drive qualified traffic to your
website. So lets dig in.
Adwords PPC Example
Set Up Your Google Adwords Account
The first thing to do is to visit Google Adwords
and create a login. If you already have a login to
Google services such as Gmail, you may be able
to use that same login when creating an account.
Set Up Your Campaign
After you have created a login and are inside of
Google Adwords, it’s time to create your first
campaign. A campaign is a high level “bucket”
that all of your ad groups will reside in. A
campaign will have a budget, geographical area
and many other defining features. A good example
would be a Christmas campaign that will run until
the end of the year and would have many
different ads or products within it. Here are a few
important things to setup when your on this
campaign page:
Set to all features
Set the location to your specific area, such as
Atlanta, GA or the entire United States if your
On “location options” I like to set “people in my
area”, which will help weed out people from
India for example, who search for companies in
the US and try to sell them products or
Set your max daily budget
Ad extensions: You’ll want to add your
address and phone number here, it will help
your ad display better
Ad delivery: You can set schedules here if you
like, such as M-F 9am – 5pm
Adwords Set Up Campaign
Set Up Your Ad Group
Your ad groups will be just that, groups of ads
that are logically and strategically organized. An
example of an ad group would be a specific
product. Inside the ad groups would be ads that
are displayed for users to click on. You could set
up multiple ads inside the group, best practice is
two ads minimum. This would provide somewhat
of an A/B test to see which is the better
performing ad.
You will also have the option to set up your first
ad on this page. Go ahead and set up a headline,
it should contain your best keyword. Also, go
ahead and add your description 1 and 2.
Remember to add a punctuation to description 1,
as it will help you gain a higher position at the
top of page.
Ad Group Setup
Set Up Keywords
On the ad group page you will also have the
opportunity to set up keywords. These keywords
will make up the phrases that trigger your ads. It
is best practice to have no more than 10
keywords or key phrases in an ad group, so don’t
go crazy. Set up different ad groups to add
related keywords, best practice is to keep
keywords and ads highly relative.
Ad keywords to adwords
Set Up Billing
At this point you have your first campaign, ad
group and ad set up. The final step is to continue
to billing, then your all set up. One thing to
remember on billing is that you have two options,
manual payments in which you manually make
payments and are reminded when your budget is
exhausted, and automatic payments that charge
your card automatically when your budget
reaches a specific threshold. I opt for automatic,
your budget you set up earlier will make sure your
not overcharged.
Advanced Settings
I’ll circle back around in follow up posts to
discuss things such as remarketing and display
based ads. For now, this will get you started and
on the road to driving new traffic to your site. If
you have any questions, post it in the comments
below. We also manage Adwords for clients, so if
you don’t want to deal with managing it yourself,
please give us a call or contact us using the
contact page.
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How Many people get a lot of fulfillment from make money
You can make money online a variety of different
ways, but you’ve probably learned that blogging
can be very lucrative. After learning how to start
a blog, it’s a lot of fun to express your ideas to
the world. Many people get a lot of fulfillment
from it. But if it doesn’t make any money, you’re
still stuck in a day job! We assume you want to
make money online, so today we’re talking about
5 easy ways that you can make money online
with your blog and build your financial
Pay Per Click (PPC)
Pay Per Click (CPC) is what an advertiser pay to
search engines and Internet publishers for a single
click on their advertisement, which directs one
visitor to the advertiser’s website.
Google’s Adsense program is the biggest player
here. It’s pretty simple to get running as a
publisherger. You sign up for an account, use
their tool to build an ad code, and then paste it
onto your site. People click on those ads and
Google pays you x amount per click. Hence the
name “pay per click.” This is a great way to make
passive income.
Basically they bring together advertisers and
website owners and in return you split the profit
with them. Google pays 68% of the money that
they typically receive. They’re basically charging a
third in commission, but two-thirds of something
is a whole lot more than 100% of nothing.
The ads are contextual which means that they are
selected based on your website’s content. They
come in both text & graphic banners, and have
various ad sizes.
Microsoft & Yahoo use to have their own
Publisher programs, but have since exited that
market. Yahoo recommended Chitika as
replacement to its former publishers. Here’s a list
of top 10 alternatives to AdSense.
Basically this type of cost per click blog
advertising is great until you get big enough to
attract direct advertisers – and that should be
your goal!
Banner and Text Ads
Banner ads could be super lucrative and really
help you make money online, but not always the
easiest to get the off the ground. They range from
simple logo to various ad unit sizes. It is what it
says it is. Say you know Al of Al’s Health Foods
and he wants to pay you ‘x’ amount of dollars a
month to put his logo somewhere on your site.
That my friends, is a banner ad…
It might seem like easy money, but there is a
barrier of entry. As we said repeatedly, build your
audience first, then the advertisers. There are
also tons of ad networks out there, but most of
them require that you have at least
100,000pageviews per month. Furthermore most
of them pay pretty low ad rates, depending on
your niche.
A text ad is similar to a banner ad but you are
putting text (similar to a Google Ad) on your
website. This is not the same as paid links which
we highly discourage!
The difference can get blurry, but essentially if
someone approaches to buy a link placement, you
should be careful. Yes it’s easy money, but if
search engines like Google ever catch on, then
your website could be harshly penalized in
lowered ranking. Many webmaster found their
website traffic slowed to a trickle as the result.
Paid Product Reviews
Basically, when people are going to buy
something, they go online first to see what people
are saying about it. Companies know this and
now often pay bloggers to review their products.
Nothing wrong with it – just be sure to disclose
that you are being paid to review it, or have a
general disclaimer in your terms of use.
In late 2009, the FTC began to legally require
bloggers and online publishers to have such
disclaimer on their websites. However, bloggers
get make money online, so we have to play by
the rules!
Amazon Affiliate Program
Amazon is the original granddaddy of affiliate
programs . It’s where if someone goes to your
web page and sees a little widget that says “Bob
recommends this book on puppies” and that
person clicks on that link and buys the book, you
get some money.
Of course these days Amazon carries a lot more
than books. You can find almost any retail item
on their site. It’s a great way to earn money
when you start. It’s easy because you can find
items similar to your niche.
The downside of the convenience is that the
payout is relatively poor with many items paying
as low as 4%. So you might want to pay attention
to specific affiliate programs as you begin to
Sell Stuff (Yours or Other People’s Stuff)
This is our personal favorite way to make money
online! For example if you’ve got a dating blog,
and you have a rabid, dedicated following, and
you’ve got tons of great posts that people love to
read, why not collect your posts and make them
for sale in a book/e-book format?
Plenty of sites like Chuck Norris Facts or Texts
from last night make a ton of money off of this.
Or you can even build premium content available
only to paying members. Viola, now you have
recurring income!
The numbers can add up dramatically if you offer
substantial value and keep your members
satisfied. This can lead to other sales
opportunities such as coaching sessions,
workshops, and other products.
You can even hire ghostwriters to create the
product. That way you just sat back. Let them do
the hard work, pay a fixed amount, and then
collect a potentially lucrative payoff down the
Or if you don’t want to mess with your own
product – because there are things to manage
like sales pages, additional web hosting , customer
service, & creating the product, then sell other
people’s stuff. (affiliate programs)
The key is to partner with some of the really
successful people in your niche to sell their
products on your site for a commission. Hopefully
they have a turnkey system setup that result in a
high probability of sales. You don’t want to be a
guinea pig to help someone unproven to work out
the bugs in their sales process.
Many eBook authors will give you as high as 75%
– 100% commission for each sale. (They make
their money with repeat sales and memberships).
So take advantage and build your success!
PPC is about raising your return on investment
year, new PPC campaign... Here are some
tips for making your PPC campaign stand out
from the crowd this year.
1. Know Your Product
It seems obvious, but you need to know your
product well enough to sell it with just a handful
of words. Identify its most compelling and unique
selling points, and focus on these – the same
applies for offering services to customers.
Unique selling points, or USPs, have been a
touchstone of marketing for generations and are
as relevant online now as they ever have been in
2. Know Your Market
Say you have a product that would make an
excellent gift for a man. If you're marketing it in
those terms, write for a woman. Why? Because a
man is much more likely to receive a gift from his
wife than from anybody else – she'll probably
have a say in it even if the present is officially
from the children.
Related articles
Women hold the buying power in many markets,
but particularly in gifts, so don't be afraid to
target them specifically.
3. Be Discriminate
That's discriminate as in “discerning,” not as in
“politically incorrect.” Following on from the point
above, there's nothing wrong with targeting a
certain sub-section of your potential market.
For instance, some people will be put off by a
product or service being described as “cheap,”
while others – many, many others – will include
that very word in their search queries.
The joy of PPC is that your ads will generally only
appear to people for whom they are relevant, and
you should only have to pay if they click, so in
many ways your campaign will target itself, given
the right range of ad texts to choose from.
4. Learn To Tweet
It may sound odd, but fitting all of the necessary
information into the character count of a PPC ad
can be much harder than it first sounds. If you've
never tried it, practice on another short-form text
platform, such as Twitter, or try sending an SMS
or two that describe your product, service, or
special offer.
Learning to appreciate the restrictions imposed
by short-form text will help you to understand
what can – and what can’t – be said in a PPC
5. Be Timely
Think of the commercials you see on television.
How many of them are simply telling you about a
product or service, and how many of them relate
to something time-sensitive?
It could be a new recipe or formulation, a two-
for-one discount, a competition or a giveaway. By
imposing some kind of time limit on the ad, you
put in your potential customer's mind the feeling
that they have to buy now.
Just try to be more subtle about it than those
flashing “you have won a smartphone - claim it in
the next 60 seconds” pop-ups you see on some
6. Review, Revise, Reinvest
PPC is about raising your return on investment.
Yes, you pay for the clicks you receive, but in
return for that you get a measurable flow of
traffic to your site. Keep track of your best-
performing ads and offers.
Tweak your PPC campaign to include more of
those successful messages. As your revenues
rise, consider whether you have already maxed
out your market penetration – and, if not, reinvest
some of those funds into increasing your PPC
presence. With the right ad text and a steady
growth in your monthly budget, the overall
increase in ROI could prove to be exponential.
Whichever part of your PPC campaign you decide
to focus on, the new year is the perfect time to
make a few changes, giving you a good few
months of “normal” search traffic to analyze
before major events like Christmas begin to make
their presence known once again.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
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AIRTEL DIGITAL TV CHANNELFollow this trick carefully:Airtel Digital TV Hack for Free FTA :
WATCH FREE AIRTEL DIGITAL TV CHANNELWATCH FREE AIRTEL DIGITAL TV CHANNELFollow this trick carefully:Airtel Digital TV Hack for Free FTA channels and Out of Zone Pay channels1.First unplug the Adapter of your STB2.Remove your View Card from the back of the STB3. Turn On the STB and Insert the View card4. When the three LEDS on the STB starts to blink together, You will get a Please wait Initializing message5. Immediately press the Exit key on your remotetwo times and enter 24656. The STB will start Automatic downloading of the new software7. Wait for this to finish and Dont Cut the Power, You must update the STB for the Proper Orientation of the FTA channels8. After the Up-gradation the STB will automatically restart9. Remove your Dish cable from the Back of the STB10. Now you will see installation setup11. The first satellite will be NES7, Change the second one to "OTHER" under the FTA settings12. Now try Scaning for FTA always use Quick scan13. Try changing the Symbol rate and Frequencies14. If you get any channel press save and it can be viewed after the channel 999. injoyyyyyy#its tasted in west bengal, you can try it in your state too.Keep visiting… #OBSCURE
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Hidden secret power control menu is such a feature:
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How to watch free hd channels:
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Hello Friends !! WorkingFree BSNL 3G internet Trick
Hello Friends !!
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Trick 1Use the Following New Connection For
Free :-Name :3G free(any)Service Type 1 WAPGateway
IP : 1
Port no : 1 : 9209.
Timeout: NeverCSD No.1
User Name1: ppp
Password1: ppp123
User Name : ppp
Password : ppp123
Now save the following settings and leave the other settings as default and using this activatedsettings hack bsnl 3G for free new 2012 trick in bsnl mobile free for 3mbps speed browsing and downloading in bsnl 3G.
2 :Requirements:-
1) You Must Have the 3G Supported Device .
2) 3G Activated SIM ( if you are not using 3G sim it is easy to change the plan to 3G)
3) Knowledge about the changing of your internet settings.Change your Internet Settings with the FollowingDetails :-
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Google Adsense Tricks : Get Approval in Just : 2 Days
Google Adsense Tricks:Get Approval in Just 2 Days:
By SM BABA IN Best Tips and Tricks
Just creating the blog and writing articles will not
earn you money from internet. Placing ads and
affiliate marketing helps you to earn good from
your blogs and that too with no investment. Just
attract more visitors or readers to your blog and
earn good amount from your web property. But
now a day Google is very strict for the approval
of google adsense account and other all revenue
sharing ads programs are not so successful as
This is updated version of my previous two tricks
using and, it was
working tricks but right now they are outdated,
thus removed those two paragraphs.
People are trying hard to get approval from
adsense but are not able to do so. In the start i
had also tried for 3 times but all time my
application was rejected.
After that i found 2 tricks to get Google adsense
approval in just 2 days and that too with no need
of website. So i thought to share the same with
all and help all to generate revenue from their
blog. You have to just follow few steps and then
you get Google adsense approval in just 2 days.
Just follow the below mentioned steps and you
will get adsense approval in just 1- 2 days. The
Method is coming through
1. Go to and register
your account there. In this case YouTube will ask
your current gmail account information.
Remember, if you have already contacted adsense
team with the same gmail account, do not use
the same gmail account to login into YouTube.
Prepare a fresh gmail account and then using the
same login into YouTube
2. Under Your Channel Setting Tab , Enable
Monetization and do not forget to read their
policies otherwise, you are going to kill your
chance once more.
3. If you have not uploaded any long video in the
past ( at least 15 minute Long) , then its time to
upload at-least 3 to 4 such video. Camtasia
OnScreen Recorder is one such onscreen video
recording tool that must be tried by every
4. If your uploaded videos have any meat, let me
assure you, with in a day or two day, you will
receive your confirmation Email.
This way you will be able to get your adsense
code for YouTube but the same code you can not
use on your blog. So its time to work on your
Now insure that your blog must fulfill the
following conditions
1. It should have an about us page with all your
valid details and a current photograph, do not
post here any creative work or some one else
image. Image must not be a passport size
photograph, it must be more than that.
2. Define your website’s Privacy policy and
comment policy and it must be available from all
the pages of your website. so better place to link
these two pages are -either the header of your
website or footer. Free Privacy Policy Generator is
an excellent tool to grab your very own privacy
policy in a second.
3. Do not use someone else images or just copy
paste images from the internet, there are a huge
library of free images available to explore. if using,
give them proper credit. 21 Free image library for
smart bloggers
4. Prepare a contact us page and thoroughly
check whether it is working or not. Every user of
your website must be able to use that without
any technical problem.
5. Write at-least 40-50 Good articles( though it is
not a hard and fast rule), you can rewrite
someone else work but do not copy paste, if you
are little bit lazy and thought a German website’s
content in English is more than sufficient for you
to fool. You are wrong my dear! Your chances are
0.0001%. how to find more content idea for your
blog by Peter Shallard is a must read for every
wanna be pro-blogger.
6. This is only a recommendation, from my side,
Invest some time/money to find out a clean SEO
friendly fast Loading WordPress theme and make
is very sure that this theme must have provisions
to add adsense code at the highest paying
7. Now its time to apply for your blog/site and
believe me, they would love to approve your site.
Next Step
Once you have your Google adsense code for your
blog, its time to deploy a Google adsense ready
WordPress theme , remember very clearly not try
to trick any how to increase page view or clicks
on your adsense units, they have a very vast
technology to find out your every step, so be
patient and try to enhance the quality and
quantity of your blog post. I am sure success will
by yours.
Still have some queries, do no hesitate to raise
your queries, if yo like this article, consider to
share on your social circles.
Updated on : Wednesday 25th of February 2015
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About the Author
The Whole concept was developed by the man
you are watching here. I am SM BABA Serial
Niche Blogger and SEO Enthusiast. find me on
Google+ , facebookand on twitter .. Developed
popular WordPress theme for Wallpapers and
funny Image WordPress theme . Love SEO
optimized WordPress theme Designing and
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015
If Your Mobile Phone Stolen?...
What To Do If Your Mobile Phone Stolen?
If u lose your mobile…………..?? This is how it
1. Dial *#06# from your mobile.
2. Your mobile shows a unique 15 digit.
3. Note down this no anywhere but except your
mobile as this is the no which will help trace your
mobile in case of a theft.
4. Once stolen you just have to mail this 15 digit
IMEI no. to
5. No need to go to police.
6. Your Mobile will be traced within next 24 hrs via
a complex system of GPRS and internet.
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If u lost your mobile, send an e- mail to
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Your name:
Phone model :
Last used No.:
E-mail for communication:
Missed date:
Keep all these information stored for emergency
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Monday, March 23, 2015
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
How To learning more about | ppc advertising program
Monday, February 2, 2015
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Amazon Affiliates | Bloggers place an affiliate link..
Amazon Affiliates.
Bloggers place an affiliate link for the
product on their site, and whenever a
visitor buys
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YouTube is not the only platform to launch the careers
YouTube is not the only platform to
launch the careers of millionaires. Sophia Amoruso, the founder of online clothing
store Nasty Gal, started her business by
selling vintage finds on eBay.
The World's Most Successful Video Game Companies - TheRichest With just a few good titles
competition from the ... mobile, connected
TVs, gaming consoles and social media channels
making it the ...
List of best-selling video games - Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia
Video games. Platforms[show] ..... 1.41 million.
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One, 2005, 1.39 million ....
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, 6.3 million.
The Legend of ...
The World's Most Successful Video Game
Companies - TheRichest
With just a few good titles, a
video game company c
earn any money directly via his blog. Instead he utilizes
Matt Cutts has stated (see
comments section) that he doesn’t
actually earn any money directly via his
blog. Instead he utilizes Twitter to
promote various products
and merchandise to his many followers.
Still a viable blog to feature on this list
though, as it shows that other methods
can be used to make money online. ]
This list is only an estimate of the true worth
of these sites. If anything, these are probably
UNDERestimates, as many of these sites
have many streams of income. Check out our
‘ 30 Ways Your Website Can Earn You Money‘
to learn of other ways in which you can
monetize your website.
It took me quite a bit of time to research this
‘ Top 50 Earning Blogs‘ list. I learnt a lot from
doing this and found loads of interesting sites
and bloggers. I believe that this list helps to
illustrate the ladder of success that we all
strive to climb up. doesn’t feature on
the list YET , however I will strive to work
hard to achieve a place amongst these
outstanding names. I hope you feel as
inspired as I do!
Disclaimer:- The website’s featured in
this top 50 list are only estimates and
are not 100% accurate! This is just an
indication of how well they are doing
regarding making money from their blog.
All of the ‘Daily Income’ & ‘Value’
statistics were calculated using the free
tool ‘’ which can
be used to estimate the worth of a